Note: This site and the data it contains have been reposted from an archive of Nolan Lee's original web site by Steve Johnson.

TV-2 Series Military Tube Tester Data

The data in the TV-2 file may or may not be accurate. You need to verify it for yourself before you try it by comparing data in my file against other data that you already have. Read the cover page of the Excel workbook!

Current Version is dated July 5, 2002 and contains the 72 page supplement book as well as the contents of the roll chart in my TV-2B.

This electronic version of the settings data is in Microsoft Excel Workbook format. This workbook is contains 5 (five) pages, a cover page, instructions, tube settings data, ballast tube data, and a VT conversion chart.

If you don't have Microsoft's Excel, or have an old version, you can download a free viewer for 32bit Windows OS's from:


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