Antique Airwaves

Steve's Antique Technology
Antique Airwaves Sponsors:

Car Radio Schematics

Steve's Antique Technology

The Schematic Man - Photofacts

Factory Service Manuals

Highlights of
Radio History:

(Links may open a new page)

Mahlon Loomis is granted the first patent for "wireless" communication.

Guglielmo Marconi succeeds in signaling a distance of about 1.2 miles.

Marconi installs first commercial radio service off coast of Ireland.

Reginald Fessenden
uses a spark generator to send voice the distance of about one mile.

John Ambrose Fleming invents the first tube called
The "Fleming Valve".

(9 PM Christmas Eve)
First Voice/Music Broadcast

First Transatlantic Radio Service.

First regular schedule of broadcasts from the Herrold College of Wireless and Engineering, San Jose, CA.

Voice is first broadcast across the Atlantic ocean.

There are five stations broadcasting.
First World series game broadcast.

There are 537 stations broadcasting.

First radio installed in the White House.

The first AC (non battery) powered sets are marketed.

First car radios are sold.

Over one million car radios are sold.
First demonstration of FM broadcasting.

"Push Buttons" appear on radios.

Ailen invasion panic is spread by radio when Orson Wells broadcasts
"War of the Worlds"

Over eight million radios manufactured.
FCC authorizes FM broadcasting.

Manufacture of home radio sets halted due to the war.

Over fifteen million radios manufactured.
800,000 FM receivers are manufactured.

The first commercially marketed transistor radios appear
(Regency TR-1).

Space Race starts when Russian satellite "Sputnik" sends radio "beep" back to earth.

Featured Links:
(Links open in a new page)

Supreme Testers
Supreme Tube Testers
Schematics & Data Sheets

Antique Radio Forum Forum

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Solo Canoes
Record Changer Service Manuals

Welcome to Antique Airwaves is a web directory for finding information on collecting and history of vacuum tube radios, crystal radios, and vintage transistor radios. Also information about radio restoration, parts sources, vintage Phonographs, tube amplifiers, vacuum tubes and tube testers, and vintage test equipment.

Antique Radios1920s1930s1940s1950sTest Equipment

Select a catagory below or scroll down to browse links:

Tube Radio Guides
Crystal Radio Guides
Transistor Radio Guides
Boatanchors, Ham/SW
History & Museums
Radios For Sale/Wanted
Radio Classifieds/Auctions
Radio Forums
Test Equipment
Tube Tester Repair Services
Antique Radio Clubs/Associations
Radio Collector's Web Sites
Service Manuals, Schematics, Books
Antique Radio Parts
Vacuum Tubes
Antique Radio Repair & Restoration
Radio Workbenches
Old Time Radio Shows
AM Broadcast Transmitters
Phonographs & Victrolas
Annual Fests & Conventions
Other Vintage Technology

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Factory Service Manuals and Schematics

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Tube Radio Guides:

By Manufacturer:
Colby Colby Radio Research Laboratory, Auburn NY
Crosley Jim's Antique Crosley Radio Page
Curtis Mathes Glenn Waters's Vintage Curtis Mathes site
Detrola Dennis and Bonnie Smith's Detrola Site
Midwest Mike Simpson's Midwest Radios
Philco The Philco Repair Bench
Radiola - RCA
E. H. Scott E. H. Scott Radios
Sonora Sonora Radios
Zenith Old Radio Zone (Mostly Zenith)
Zenith Zenith TransOceanic Radios

General On-line Guides and Information:
Bicycle Radios
Classic Radio Gallery
FM-Only Radios Collector's Resource. Collector's Resource with thousands of members.
Nostalgia Air Antique and Vintage Radio References. Site devoted to the preservation of plastic tube radios. Thousands of radios/photos and information from around the world searchable by manufacturer & model.
Russian Antique Radio Gallery
Scott's Crystal Radios and Headphone Gallery
The Radio Attic Resources, radios for sale and much more.
Radio Attic's Archives Thousands of radio photos listed by manufacturer & model.
Winchargers Photos, Ads, and Manuals.
Radio Guides by Region/Country: Thousands of radios/photos and information from around the world searchable by manufacturer, model, & country.
Australia Australian Vintage Radio
Brazil Antique Radio In Brazil
Adrian's British "Battery Portable" Tube Radios
Denmark Hans Egebo's Collection Denmark Radios
France Galerie of French Radios
Germany Wumpus´s Old Radio World German Site - Old-time radio sets, German radios, transistor portables, tape recorders, tubes, tube testers, crystal receivers, wireless history.
Soviet Union Soviet Antique Radio Galary
International International database by country/manufacture. Membership required for more than basic information.

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Crystal Radio Guides:

Birmingham, Alabama Crystal Radio Group
Peebles Originals Crystal radio kits, tube and transistor radio kits, and informative instruction articles.
Scott's Crystal Radios Page for Crystal Radio enthusiasts, both users and collectors

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Transistor Radio Guides:

M31 Galaxy of Transistor Radios
James Butters collection Transistor radios and information between 1954 and 1965
Jay Allen's Portable Radio Web Site
Radio Wallah Some fabulous transistor radios from the fifties.
GE Superadio I, II, & III Review and history of this popular AM/FM portable.
Jinkei Ohta's SONY Page

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Ham/Shortwave Receivers:

Collins Collectors Association
The DX Zone Amateur Radio Resources.
Hallicrafters SX page Hallicrafters SX series receiver photos and info.
The Hammarlund Historian History, photos, and manuals.
Boatanchor Receiver Reviews
NIST Radio Station WWV Broadcast of time and frequency information
RigPix Database Information and pictures of radios & accessories (old and new).
US Navy Radio Communications

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Dave's Loop Antenna Page
Radio-Locator Radio station search engine (find locations)

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Test Equipment:

Apparatus Design Company Steve's ADC Collection Unique Confidance and ADC tube tester collection and tube data sheets.
Clough-Brengle Ron's Clough-Brengle History
General Radio General Radio Wiki
Heathkit The Heathkit Virtual Museum
Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard history.
Hewlett Packard Ken's HP Museum A lot of Hewlett Packard.
Hickok Steve's Hickok Collection Early Hickok testers, history, & downloads.
Hickok Hickok History (PDF File)
Leeds & Northrup Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr.'s Early Laboratory Apparatus.
Military Tube Testers Nolan's Redneck Boatanchor Page Military tube tester information and data sheets - reposted from Nolan's original site.
Precision Chris's Old Radios Precision Tube Tester Data.
Simpson Test Equipment Steve's Simpson Test Equipment Collection
Simpson 260
Supreme Instruments Steve's Supreme Collection Collection with photos, manuals, schematics and information about Supreme Instruments vintage tube testers and radio test equipment.
Supreme Instruments Steven Johannessen's Supreme Instruments Collection
Tektronix/Tek Museum of vintage Tektronix equipment.
Triplett Triplett Corporation Company web site with links to history and collections.
Triplett/Readrite Steve's Triplett / Readrite Collection Vintage Triplett and Readrite tube tester and meter collection.
Tube Tester Repair Services List of repair and calibration services.
Chuck's Vintage Test Equipment Collection
The Dim-bulb Radio Tester Description of what it does and how to build one.
German Tube Tester Site (in German).
Tone Lizzard - Guide to Tube Testers Description of different testers and comparison chart.
JAC Music's Tube Tester Page Description of different testers.
The Museum of Tek Scopes

Nolan Lee's Tube Tester Web Site Military tube tester information and data sheets - These pages and files are reposted from his original "Nolan's Redneck Boatanchor Page".
Oscilloscope Museum Collection of Oscilloscopes
RCA Rider Chanalyst Philip Nelson's information and photos of this all-purpose instrument for the radio repairman.
Steve Johnson's Collection of Antique Radio Test Equipment
EB5AGV's TV-7 Tube Tester page All about the TV-7 Tube Tester
Vintage Test Equipment Manuals Rare manuals and schematics for early tube testers and analyzers.

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Radios For Sale/Wanted:
(Listings are not endorsements)
the Radio Attic
The Radio Attic Many antique radio sellers listed on one site.
Play Things Of Past Vintage radios, tubes, parts, literature
Poppys Vintage Radios Vintage restored radios.
Vintage Electronics Restorable radios, TV, communications, test equipment, books & more.
Vintage Sounds Houston, Texas - My kind of Antique Store. Radios, phonographs, and more.
Waves L.L.C. New York City - Vintage radios, Speakers, Microphones, and more.

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Radio Classifieds, Auctions, Forums, and Newsgroups:

Antique Radio Classifieds:
Antique Radio Classified National Publication For Buyers And Sellers Of Old Radios And Related Items - Published Monthly.'s Fourm Classifieds
On Line Radio Trader searchable antique radio ads for collectors. HAM Radio Classifieds
Radio Attics Radios For Sale Section

Antique Radio Auctions:
Collectors Weekly Search top current and completed antique radio auctions on eBay by category.

Antique Radio Forums: Forums (ARF)
The PHILCO Phorum for those who collect and enjoy vintage Philco radios.
Tubes Asylum It's all about the vacuum tube
UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration Forum

Other Technology Forums & Message Boards:
Classic Rotary Phones Forum
EEVblog Electronics Community Forum
Old Time Victrola Music Message Board
The Talking Machine Forum

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All About Circuits Links to basic electronic theory, circuits, and projects.
Electronics Index by J. B. Calvert
NJARC Oscilloscope School NJ Antique Radio Club Oscilloscope Training Video.
Radio Station Locater on-line searchable database w/coverage maps.
Resistor Color Code Calculator on-line color code calculator.
Soldering Instruction and Videos

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Antique Radio Repair & Restoration:

Antique Radio Repair Center Binghamton, NY
Camden Antique Radio Service Fishers, IN
Dave's Antique Radio & TV Restorations Liverpool, NY
Orban Audio Speaker repair and reconimg.
Quality Antique Radios
Radio Revival Bonnots Mill, MO
South Bay Radio (315)699-7341 Tube Radios, Tube Phonographs, Tube Auto Radios - Cicero, NY
Tom's Antique Radio Repair Tube and Transistor Radio Repair and Restoration - Dayton, Ohio
The Speaker Shop repair and restoration of speakers.

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Service Manuals, Schematics, and Books:
Factory Service Manuals and Schematics Original factory service manuals and high resolution downloads digitized from the original manufacturer's service data. Large inventory of original Photofacts for tube radios, auto radios, transistor radios, etc. Downloads and original Hardcopys by mail. Radio schematics and service manuals for antique automobiles and classic cars.
Used Books Antique Radio and Vintage Electronics Books, Collecting, Service, History, and More.
BoatAnchor Manual Archive Vintage Test Equipment Manuals
Heathkit Schematic and Manual Archive
Hickok Test Equipment Free Hickok test equipment manuals, data, & schematics
Supreme Instruments Free Supreme test equipment manuals, data, & schematics
Service Manual Forum Can't find it? Ask here (new and some vintage).

Original Factory Service Manuals w/Schematics
Admiral Airline Apex Atwater Kent
Crosley Delco United Motors Emerson General Electric GE (U.S.A.)
General Electric GE (Canada) Motorola Magnavox Majestic
Marconi Montgomery Ward Philco RCA Victor (USA)
RCA Victor (Canada) Sears Silvertone Sparton (USA) Sparton (Canada)
Stewart Warner Stromberg Carlson Zenith Many More

Photofacts® - The Schematic Man

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Vacuum Tubes:

Search by Tube Numbers Find make/model by Tubes
Frank's Electron tube Pages
Tube Collectors Association (TCA) Archive
Tube Data Sheet Locator Search for tube data

Vacuum Tube Suppliers:
Doug's Tubes Tubes Geared to Your Sound.
Sophia Electric
Tube Depot
The Tube Store NOS/Tested Tubes, Manuals, and Books
Vintage Tube Services

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Antique Radio Parts:
Antique Electronic Supply Radio restoration parts
Antique Radio Knobs Radio knobs and parts from the 1920's - 1940's.
Antique Radios Inc. ARBE-III Universal Battery Eliminator Glass and Plastic Dialcovers, parts, and supplies.
Futurlec Capicators, resistors, etc. Capicators, recap kits for antique radios
Leeds Radio Parts One of the oldest (1923) sellers of electronic parts in the US.
Mouser Electronics Electronic Parts/Components
Mark Oppat's Old Radio Parts Vintage Radio Parts, Tubes, Dials, and Books
Radio Daze Vintage Radio Parts, Dials, and Supplies
Renovated Radios Replacement radio knobs, feet, rubber grommets and washers.
Steve's Antique Technology Factory Service Manuals, Schematics, and Photofacts.
Sundial Wire Cloth covered wire.
Tony’s Capacitor Corner
V-M Audio Enthusiasts Record player and tape recorder repair parts.
WJOE Radio Capicators, parts, tech notes

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The Radio Workbench:

Steve's radio workbench (the Antique Airwaves webmaster's bench)
The Radio Restorer's Workbench What's needed and what's not.
Early Radio Workbench Photos
1930 Radio Workbench Instructions (Adobe .pdf file 737K)

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Antique Radio History & Museums:

Brick and Morter:
Antique Wireless Museum Bloomfield, New York
Bayhead Radio Museum Nova Scotia
Hammond Museum of Radio Guelph, Ontario Canada
Marconi Museum North Chatham, MA
Museum of Broadcast Communications Chicago, IL
Museum of Radio and Technology Huntington, West Virginia
National Capital Radio and Television Museum Bowie, MD
New England Wireless & Steam Museum East Greenwich, RI
Pavek Museum of Broadcasting St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Radio Technology Museum Wall Township, NJ
SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention (formerly the American Museum of Radio and Electricity) Bellingham, Washington
Southern Appalachian Radio Museum (Asheville Radio Museum) Asheville, NC
Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut Windsor, Connecticut

On-line list of Radio Museums Searchable list of radio museums (International)

Virtual On Line: Online history resource for broadcasters.
Bicycle Radio History
Early U.S. Radio History Good source for early Telegraph & Wireless information.
The Heathkit Virtual Museum
History of the Development of Radio Australian site by Greg Whiter, VK3CA
Early Electrical Measurements Equipment Kenyon College, Ohio
Museum of Magnetic Sound Recording The technology of sound recording
Marconi Collection Online Catalog Museum of History of Science, Oxford
NBC Chimes Museum
New York's Broadcasting History
New York City's Radio Row District
History of Communication Through Morse Code
National Radio Hall of Fame & Museum
Oscilloscope Museum Collection of Oscilloscopes
Patent Dates and Patent Search Antique radios, Old Time Radios, Search
Red Star Radiosite Russian On-line Museum
SPARC Virtual Museum Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada
History of Soldering Brief History of the Electric Soldering Iron and Soldering Gun.
The Spark Museum Wow! Plan on spending some time here. Great photos and information.
United States Early Radio History Broadcast gear from yesteryear
Early Vintage Radio Workbench Photos
Western Historic Radio Museum 1910-1950 Vintage Radio Equipment and Memorabilia.

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Annual Antique Radio Festivals, Swap Meets, & Conventions:

ARCI Radiofest Radio Club of Illinois Radiofest - Willbrook IL - August
Kutztown Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club's bi-annual Antique Radio Show and Swap Meet at Renninger's Kutztown, PA held in May and September
ARRL -Upcoming Hamfest Listings Search for events by State and/or Zip.

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Antique Radio Clubs & Associations:

Antique Wireless Association - AWA
Australian Vintage Radio Society - AVRS
AARL - Find a HAM Radio Club
Historical Radio Society of Australia
Canadian Vintage Radio Society - CVRS
Radio Amateurs of Canada - RAC
Radio Club Of America
New Zealand Vintage Radio Society
Norwegian Historical Radio Society
Tube Collectors Association - TCA (Archive)
Vintage Radio and Phonograph Society

U.S. Regional Clubs:
Alabama Historical Radio Society
Antique Radio Club of Illinois
Arizona Antique Radio Club
California Historical Radio Society - CHRS
Southern California Antique Radio Society - SCARS
Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club - DVHRC
Florida Antique Wireless Group
Heartland Antique Radio Association - HLARA
Houston Vintage Radio Association - HVRA
Jacksonville Vintage Radio Club
Michigan Antique Radio Club - MARC
Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
Music City Vintage Radio Club Nashville TN
New England Vintage Electronics Club - NEVEC
New Jersey Antique Radio Club Watch their monthly meetings on-line!
Northland Antique Radio Club Minnesota
Northwest Vintage Radio Society Portland OR
Oklahoma Vintage Radio Collectors - OKVRC
Ottawa Vintage Radio Club - OVRC
Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society
Puget Sound Antique Radio Association
Schenectady NY Antique Radio Club
Southeastern Antique Radio Society
Vintage and Military Amateur Radio Society - V.M.A.R.S. (UK)
Wisconsin Antique Radio Club Inc. - WARCI

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Radio Collector's Web Sites:

George's Antique Radios
Jeremy's Antique Radios
Land of Vintage Tube Radios (Paul Turney)
Midwest Radio Museum Mike Simpson's Midwest collection
John C. Pelham's collection
Old Radio Zone
Phil's Old Radios Nice collection and lots of information.
Poppys Vintage Radios
Radio-Guy Radios and some really cool weird stuff.
Reverse Time Page Radios and vintage photos.
Ron's Radio Heaven
Richard's Radios A Brit and his valve radio collection.
Sparkbench exray's collection of classics and his unique homebrews.
Steve's Antique Radio Collection Steve Johnson's Antique Radios, Record Players, Tube Testers, and Vintage Test Equipment. (The Webmaster)
Steven Johannessen's collection Steven Johannessen's collection of radios and vintage test equipment. (Another Steve, not the webmaster)
Steve's Antique Radios (Yet Another Steve, not the webmaster)
Stone Village Radio From Marconi to the 1960s
Tom's Radio Collection

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Old Time Radio Shows and Music: Old Time Radio Catalog - easy to navigate site offering a large selection of shows. Free sample downloads and very reasonably priced CDs available. Many rare recordings available.
Playing Edison Cylinder records & Diamond Discs from the 1890's to the 1920's.

Antique Phonograph Music Program Every Tuesday, 7pm to 8pm, and Internet stream. Cylinders are played on actual period reproducing devices.
Cylindar Preseveration Project - University of California over 5,000 on-line cylinder recordings held by the Department of Special Collections.
Old Time Radio Programs listen to old-time radio shows on line. High quality recordings.
Radio Dismuke 24 hour Internet Radio Stream
Radio's Orphan Annie and her Decoder Badges Nice site by John Olsen with photos and history of the pins.
R U Sitting Comfortably (RUSC) listen to old-time radio shows.
Vintage Radio Programs huge downloadable selection of old-time radio shows.

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Low Power AM Broadcast Transmitters:

Low Power AM Transmitter Reviews
Low Power Radio and Broadcast Company Offers low power am transmitters to broadcast old time radio shows.

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Other Vintage Technology Web Sites:

Telephone Collectors International
Carolina Audiophile Society Antiques and collecting resource organized by category.

Audio Asylum Audio resource by audio lunatics. Audio Discussion Forums

The analog computer museum Vintage Computers.
Computer History Museum Mountain View CA
The PC Museum Personal Computers.

Slide Rules and Calculators:
Pocket Calculator Show Pocket calculators & calculator watches.
Datamath Museum Early calculators and related technology.
Calcuseum Vintage Electronic Calculators.
Calculating Machines Based on the book "Die Rechenmaschinen"
The Slide Rule Universe (old site)
The International Slide Rule Museum
Slide and Wheel Charts Steve Johnson's collection of electronic related cardboard and metal calculators.

Antique ICs? Already?:
Antique Chip Collection

Medical Devices:
Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

Microphones & Musicial Instruments:
Microphones Archive of current and some vintage microphones still used today.
Plexi Palace Vintage Tube Guitar amps Theremin Information and History.

Jukeboxs, Tape/Cassettes:
The Boombox Museum Ghettoblaster history and database.

Light Bulbs:
Kilokat's Antique Light Bulb Site

Pinball Machines & Games:
Mr. Pinball collecting, restoration, and pinball events.
Internet Pinball Database 4,770 listings with photos & data.
Pinball Life restoration, and parts.
Pinball Resource

Phonographs - Victrolas - Talking Machines - Records:
Record Changer Service Manuals Phonograph and Record Player Service Manuals.
The Antique Phonograph Society
UCSB Cylinder Archives Listen on-line.
The Cylinder Archive phonograph cylinder records information.
Online Discography Project Steven Abrams Vintage Record Database.
Garage 'A Records Closed now but another source
Great Lakes Antique Phonograph Repair, Parts & Accessories. Buy & Sell.
City of London Phonograph and Gramophone Society
Mechanical Music Extravaganza Wayne NJ.
Michigan Antique Phonograph Society (facebook)
New England Victrola Restorations and Sales.
Nipperhead Antique Phonographs.
Old Time Victrola Music Message Board
Record Changer and Record Cutter Service Manuals
The Talking Machine Forum
Victor Victrola Page Victrola Phonographs made by the Victor Talking Machine Company.
Victrola Repair Service, St. Johnsbury, VT, Rare and vinyl records auction results.

Photography & motion pictures:
Case Research Lab, The Birthplace of Sound Film.
George Eastman House, an independent nonprofit museum, is an educational institution that tells the story of photography and motion pictures.

Teaching & Education:
Instruments for Natural Philosophy Early teaching apparatus.

Telephone & Telegraph:
J.H. Bunnell & Company Telegraph Apparatus and History
A History of Telephone Communication Author: Chris Russell.
The Telegraph Office Resource for Wire and Wireless Telegraph Key Collectors.
Telephone Collectors International
Telephone History and Collecting
The Telephone Museum

Early Television Museum

The Transistor Museum
CK722 Museum The first commercial transistor.

Glassian Ian Macky's Glass Site, insulators, vault lights, glassmaking, etc.
Insulators - Glass and Porcelain

Vacuum Cleaners
Antique Washing Machines

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and operated by:
Steve's Antique Technology

Copyright © 1995-2025 Steve Johnson, Elbridge NY, All rights reserved.