Note: This site and the data it contains have been reposted from an archive of Nolan Lee's original web site by Steve Johnson.


R-1051B Power Transformer AC Voltage Line Taps

Just in the event that anyone is interested, the pinout for the AC line voltage input of the power transformer of the R-1051B is listed below:


Pin 1 is for 115 volts

Pin 2 is for 120.75 volts

Pin 3 is for 126.5 volts

Pin 4 is for 109.25 volts

Pin 5 is for 103.5 volts

Pin 6 is Common

You might want to check the snugness of the 3/8" nuts that secure the transformer and chokes. They're usually loose. Don't over tighten them. They'll break!




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